Audi Pavilion Wolfsburg

Audi Pavillon Wolfsburg

Client | Contracting Entity: AUDI AG     
Planning | Implementation: Schmidhuber Brand Experience GmbH
Event Site: Autostadt GmbH, Wolfsburg

Scope metron eging GmbH:

  • Demolition work incl. disposal
  • Carcass work
  • Fire protection measures
  • Extension incl. works planning and implementation
  • Interactive exhibits
  • Facade opening for vehicle insertion

DFB Campus Studios 1-3

DFB Campus Studios 1-3

Client | Contracting entity: DFB
Planning | Implementation: Atelier Markgraph
Event site: Frankfurt, Germany

Scope metron eging GmbH:

  • Planning
  • Manufacturing
  • Assembly
  • Flooring
  • Walls
  • Ceiling

Special features:

  • Interior fittings of 3 studios in the newly built DFB Campus
  • Studio 1 in cabin look (multifunctionally usable, table tops can for example be rotated and used as a pin board and white boards)
  • Studio 2 as playing field with training items (replicated from steel, multifunctional use, free-kick dummies with felt and whiteboard surfaces can be used both on the wall and free-standing)
  • Studio 3 as coach cabin (with number boards, graphics milled from relief and white solid-colored compact panels)

Ötztal Tourist Center 2021

Ötztal Tourist Center 2021

Client | Contracting entity: Ötztal Touristik
Planning | Implementation: AMT
Event Site: Ötztal – Tirol

Scope metron eging GmbH:

  • Wall and furniture construction

Special features:

  • Polygonal projection screen
  • Moveable stand

Trumpf Formnext 2022

Trumpf Formnext 2022

Client | Contracting entity: Trumpf GmbH & Co KG
Planning | Implementation: SBE
Event Site: Messe Frankfurt

Scope metron eging GmbH:

  • Stand construction

Trumpf Euroblech 2022

Trumpf Euroblech 2022

Client | Contracting entity: Trumpf GmbH & Co KG
Planning | Implementation: SBE
Event Site: Messe Hannover

Scope metron eging GmbH:

  • Stand construction

Special features:

  • Stand limitation and staging by means of high shelves

Trumpf Laser 2022

Trumpf Laser 2022

Client | Contracting entity: Trumpf Laser und Systemtechnik GmbH
Planning | Implementation: SBE
Event Site: Messe München

Scope metron eging GmbH:

  • Stand construction

Jubilarians 2023

Jubilarians 2023

To honor the length of service of our longstanding employees, we invited them to a veal sausage lunch with the respective department heads and the business and operational management.

During the celebration, a total of 15 employees were honored for their many years of service to the company. The honors ranged from 10 to 25 years, and each of the employees received a certificate of honor from the Lower Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce as well as gifts as a token of appreciation for their work.

A short speech was given by the management in which they emphasized the importance of their employees for the success of the company.

The management would like to continue this annual tradition to express their appreciation for their employees’ contributions to the corporate success.

25 years: (not in the picture: Manfred Kuckel, Alfred Königseder)
20 years: Reinhold Ellinger, Erich Kubitschek, Thomas Simmek, Christian Zacher
15 years: Wilhelm Neudorfer, Tobias Schilay, Andreas Zauner (not on the picture: Thomas Maier)
10 years: Thomas Gerl, David Glombik, Ralf Tiebing, Sebastian Höpfl (not on the picture: Michael Mader)

metron eging at the HoamatJob 2023

metron eging at the HoamatJob 2023

1st HoamatJob training and job fair 2023
10th + 11th March 2023


For the first time, the fair took place in Eging am See. Companies from all industries – from startups to corporations – presented their professions, apprenticeships and dual study positions at two locations.

As co-organizer of HoamatJob, we were very pleased to present our booth. Our booth was a central point of contact for all visitors interested in a career in an trade fair construction company.
Our dedicated and experienced team was completely devoted to the needs and questions of our visitors. We made every effort to provide each visitor with personalized advice and support to help them with their career choices.

Our booth provided visitors with reference pictures and videos of past projects and events, giving them an impression of our work in general as well as of our team spirit and the current job and training offer.

In our technical workshop, in cooperation with the Wissenswerkstatt Passau, the visitors drilled, screwed and soldered together with our trainees. This allowed them to gain their first experience with various materials and tools.

Our employees were proud to share their experience and expertise with the visitors and to give valuable insights into metron eging. We hope that our visitors went home with a better understanding of the different career opportunities and with new contacts, information and inspiration.

We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all the contributors for the great cooperation and the impressive result. It was a very nice experience and an interesting exchange with many visitors – and maybe also future colleagues and trainees.

Apprentice Workshop

Apprentice Workshop

Our trainees from the 1st year of apprenticeship were able to spend a day together with their trainers at the “Wissenswerkstatt” in Passau.

Here, the trainees from our paint shop, administration and construction department got a deeper insight into the topics mechanics, electrics and pneumatics.

All participants were able to gain many interesting insights and new impressions on this day.

We are looking forward to further educational workshops at the “Wissenswerkstatt”.

Elektromeister /-techniker (m/w/d) als stellvertretenden Abteilungsleiter

Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir ab sofort in Vollzeit am Standort Eging am See eine:

Elektromeister /-techniker (m/w/d) als stellvertretenden Abteilungsleiter


  • Koordination und Überwachung der Mitarbeiter und des Elektrolagers in Abstimmung mit dem Abteilungsleiter
  • Ansprechpartner der Projektverantwortlichen hinsichtlich der Klärung elektrotechnischer Details
  • Erarbeitung von Lösungen in den Bereichen der elektrotechnischen Entwicklung
  • Eigenständige Instandhaltung der Elektroanlagen
  • Erstellen und Abnahme von Prüfprotokollen, der erforderlichen technischen Dokumentation und projektbezogenen Elektroinstallationen
  • Mitwirkung bei der Auswahl des geeigneten Elektromaterials
  • Übernahme der Verantwortung für die Durchlaufzeiten von Aufträgen


  • Erfolgreich abgeschlossene Ausbildung zum Meister / Techniker (m/w/d) oder abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich der Elektrotechnik
  • Kenntnisse des technischen Regelwerks und der einschlägigen Vorschriften, Richtlinien und Bestimmungen
  • Erfahrung in der Inbetriebnahme von elektrischen Maschinen
  • Kenntnisse in AutoCAD und Microsoft Office von Vorteil
  • Fließende Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!

metron eging GmbH
Grafenauer Straße 16 + 18
94535 Eging am See
tel: +49 8544 9626 0
fax: +49 8544 9626 20