37th Alzauenlauf in Trostberg

Tina Fischl wins by a clear margin

The 37th Alzauenlauf, organized by the TSV Trostberg, was a complete success with more than 600 participants at the start despite the cool, cloudy weather.

With a commanding victory here, Tina was able to conclude yet another very successful running season.

Although the 10-kilometer long and somewhat undulating circuit along the Alzauen was not exactly easy to run, Tina is more than satisfied with her time of 37:30 minutes. She was able to leave the much younger competition behind by more than 2 minutes.

You can read the full report at:

Photo documentation: © Alex Fischl

Trainee excursion to BMW Welt and the BMW Museum

Trainee excursion to BMW Welt and the Museum

Our trainees visited the BMW Welt and the BMW Museum in Munich together with some of their instructors. The aim of the excursion was to show the trainees how their work ultimately comes across in a real environment and what significance it has in large projects.

At BMW Welt, they were able to experience an impressive exhibition of the latest vehicle models and innovations from BMW. It was particularly exciting for the trainees to see the projects and products that they had worked on during their training in a professional setting. This enabled them to understand the connection between their own work and the final product and strengthened their awareness of the importance of their work in the company.

SAP Hannover Messe 2024

SAP Hannover Messe 2024

Client | Contracting entity: SAP SE
Planning | Implementation: MCI Deutschland GmbH
Event site: Hannover Messe 2024

Scope metron eging GmbH:

  • 1,300 m² lifting floor
  • 554 m² of scaffolding structure with 34 tons of ballast
  • handling of customer exhibits
  • air-conditioned offices

Jubilarians 2024

Jubilarians 2024

To honor the years of service of our longstanding employees, they were invited to a traditional veal sausage lunch with their respective department heads and the business and operational management.

During the celebration, a total of 16 employees were either honored for their many years of service or bid farewell as they entered their well-deserved retirement.

The honors ranged from 10 to 25 years and each of the employees received a certificate of honor from the Lower Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce as well as gifts as a token of appreciation of their hard work and dedication.

A short speech was given by the management in which they emphasized the importance of employees for the success of the company.

The management would like to continue this annual tradition as a way to recognize their employees’ contributions to the corporate success.

Retirement: Liwitz Dieter
25 years: Endl Christian, Gsottberger Markus, Manfred Kuckel (subsequently for 2023)
15 years: Eggenberger Harald, Praml Walter, Schiermeier Siegfried, Seidl Wolfgang (not on the picture: Yozcu Vahdi, Schubert Roman)
10 years: Fenski Erika, Kupfer Philip, Stadler Julian, Stemplinger Christian, Mader Michael (subsequently for 2023)
(not on the picture: Kirchmayr Sebastian, Petric Thomas)



Client | Contracting entity: BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH
Planning | Implementation: Schmidhuber Brand Experience GmbH
Event site: IFA, Messe Berlin

Scope metron eging GmbH:

  • Technical planning
  • Complete stand construction
  • Production
  • Assembly

Special features:

  • 3,5 m high XXXXXL cushions, delivered by special transport
  • 12-meter turntable with anamorphosis of wall panels that form a house when set in a certain position
  • Lettering made of steel with real plants
  • Towel tower with 1,480 folded towels
  • Individually printed, realistic tapestry with a deliberately detached and protruding corner
  • Fruit basked decoration suspended from the ceiling

Siemens IFA 2024

Siemens IFA 2024

Client | Contracting entity: BSH Bosch and Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH
Planning | Implementation: Schmidhuber Brand Experience GmbH
Event site: IFA, fair Berlin

Scope metron eging GmbH:

  • Stand construction and staging of Siemens exhibition
  • BSH dealer center

Special features:

  • highlight staging of washing – pulsating LED rings
  • highlight staging of cooling – wall of cocktail glasses filled with liquid in Siemens-turquoise

Bosch CES Las Vegas 2024

Bosch CES Las Vegas 2024

Client | Contracting entity: Robert Bosch GmbH
Planning | Implementation: Studio Bachmannkern GmbH
Event site: CES 2024, Las Vegas

Scope metron eging GmbH:

  • Stand construction
  • Exhibit construction

Tina Fischl wins the first Grafenauer BÄRglauf run

Tina Fischl unbeatable at home race in Grafenau

The Grafenau advertising association organized the first BÄRglauf (bear run) in the city center of Grafenau.

It is called BÄRglauf because it takes place in Grafenau, where the bear is present everywhere as the heraldic animal. In addition, half of the circuit through the town square was uphill.

In fact, the organizers came up with a very special format: an elimination race in which the runners were sorted out after each of the 1.03 km laps with only 80% of the field qualifying for the start of the next lap.

As a native of Grafenau, Tina Fischl did not want to miss out on this event and took on the challenge.

Right from the start, tactics were needes. It was crucial to always run among the fastest 80% of the field. Tina Fischl held back very strongly in the first five laps in order to save energy for the final lap. The tactic worked; everything was going well.

In the Finals, the fastest athletes were called out by name to go to the starting line of the final round. It was very exciting for both the runners and for the many spectators in the town square of Grafenau.

The starting signal was fired, and the race began immediately. Tina positioned herself at the front of the field and the pace was incredibly fast. At the top of the mountain, Fischl increased the pace again, overtook the previous front-runner and continued to push. A small gap opened up and Tina Fischl was able to win her home race overjoyed with a 4-second lead.

For more information and race results, visit: https://spoferan.com/events/baerglauf-der-grafenauer-stadtlauf

Photo documentation: © Alex Fischl

Reischlhof SUN RUN in Wegscheid

Tina Fischl wins the 6.3 km race with confidence

More than 2,000 runners from near and far have registered for the Sun Run in Wegscheid, which covers various distances.

On this day, Tina decided to start the 6.3 km long course for her team Reischlhof.

The many runners were sent on their way to the very demanding route at 3:00 pm on the dot. Tina started the race very fast but in a controlled manner as the elevation profile of the circuit should not be underestimated.

After the first long ascent, it was already clear to Tina that her pursuers would not be able to keep up the high pace.

Fully focused, Tina continued to push and thus extended her lead over the runner-up.

Cheered on by the hundreds of spectators along the road, Tina finally crossed the finish line overjoyed with an excellent time of 26:56 minutes and was completely surprised that only a male athlete was faster than her that day.

Read the newspaper report here:

You can also find the report in the “Bayerische Laufzeitung”:

Photo documentation: © Alex Fischl

Sun Run 2024

Sun Run 2024

Our athletes from metron eging GmbH took part as a team in the Sun Run, a unique running and team event.

The runners and walkers put their athletic skills to test over 6.3 and 13.6 kilometers with great motivation and fun.

At the end, everyone celebrated at the After-Run party and toasted to the shared team spirit.