National best honors for the best German exam participant

National best honors for the best German exam participant

Our former trainee Mr. Marcus Huber passed the final examination at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in the training profession of technical product designer, specializing in product design and construction in the winter of 2022/2023 with flying colors as the best German examination participant!

This outstanding achievement has attracted the attention of the DIHK (German Chamber of Industry and Commerce) which will honor him for this extraordinary performance.

The DIHK organizes the “Nationale Bestenehrung” (National Honoring of the Best) at which the best graduates from all over Germany are honored.

These award winners are the respective best in their profession and have prevailed among almost 300,000 participants in the 2023 winter and summer examinations.

This award ensures that they have the very best prerequisites for a successful start to their professional future.

The award ceremony took place on December 11, 2023, at a festive event at the ECC Berlin. A total of 200 top trainees from various professions received an award.

We couldn’t be prouder of Marcus and are hugely impressed with his outstanding performance. This shows once again the potential that lies within our trainees and how they can achieve spectacular results through hard work and dedication.

Our heartfelt congratulations, Marcus!

Enjoy reading the PNP report:

As well as the DIHK press release:

Here you can find the complete list of Germany’s best 2023:–108706

Here you can find all pictures and the live stream recording from 11th December 2023:

Enjoy reading the NiWi report:

Employee excursion to the IAA – a day full of impressions and team spirit!

Employee excursion to the IAA – a day full of impressions and team spirit!

On September 8th, 2023, around 50 employees had the pleasure of going on an excursion to the IAA Munich and experience the Open Space area. Equipped with a lot of anticipation and accompanied by bright sunshine, we all drove to Munich by bus.

The IAA not only gave us the opportunity to experience the latest trends and technologies in the automotive industry up close, but also to examine the result of our own work.

A big thank you to everyone who made this eventful day possible.

We are already looking forward to the next adventure!

Trainee Workshop

Trainee Workshop

On their second day of work, our four new trainees had the opportunity to spend an informative day together with their trainers at the “Wissenswerkstatt” in Passau. Here, the trainees got a deeper insight into mechanics, electrics and pneumatics. All participants were able to gain many interesting insights on this day.

We are looking forward to further educational workshops at the “Wissenswerkstatt”.

New trainees 2023

metron eging GmbH welcomes their new trainees in 2023

For 4 new trainees (Anna Tiefenböck, Alexander Haas, Simon Freund and Michael Zankl) the company training in the professions technical product designer, construction mechanic, cutting machine operator and IT specialist for system integration started at metron eging GmbH on 1st September 2023.

On the very first day they received an extensive company presentation from their trainer Mr. Claus Pflie as well as a company tour and an introduction of the department managers.

After being welcomed by the management as well as a safety briefing and lunch together in a restaurant with their trainers, they were released to their individual departments.

In total, metron eging GmbH is now training 11 apprentices.
We wish them all the best of luck for the start into their professional life.

State Award & Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Best Exam 2023

State Award & Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Best Exam 2023

Due to outstanding achievements during his apprenticeship, our valued employee Mr. Marcus Huber won the Bavarian State Award.

The State Prize is a prestigious award that is only given to a few former apprentices in Germany who have distinguished themselves through extraordinary examination results.

He was also honored by the Lower Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce as the best in the chamber in the profession of technical product designer, as he was able to achieve the best degree in Lower Bavaria.

We congratulate Marcus Huber on this great success and are proud to be able to count on him in the future as an outstanding employee.

We are pleased about the coverage and hope you enjoy reading the article.

Jubilarians 2023

Jubilarians 2023

To honor the length of service of our longstanding employees, we invited them to a veal sausage lunch with the respective department heads and the business and operational management.

During the celebration, a total of 15 employees were honored for their many years of service to the company. The honors ranged from 10 to 25 years, and each of the employees received a certificate of honor from the Lower Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce as well as gifts as a token of appreciation for their work.

A short speech was given by the management in which they emphasized the importance of their employees for the success of the company.

The management would like to continue this annual tradition to express their appreciation for their employees’ contributions to the corporate success.

25 years: (not in the picture: Manfred Kuckel, Alfred Königseder)
20 years: Reinhold Ellinger, Erich Kubitschek, Thomas Simmek, Christian Zacher
15 years: Wilhelm Neudorfer, Tobias Schilay, Andreas Zauner (not on the picture: Thomas Maier)
10 years: Thomas Gerl, David Glombik, Ralf Tiebing, Sebastian Höpfl (not on the picture: Michael Mader)

metron eging at the HoamatJob 2023

metron eging at the HoamatJob 2023

1st HoamatJob training and job fair 2023
10th + 11th March 2023


For the first time, the fair took place in Eging am See. Companies from all industries – from startups to corporations – presented their professions, apprenticeships and dual study positions at two locations.

As co-organizer of HoamatJob, we were very pleased to present our booth. Our booth was a central point of contact for all visitors interested in a career in an trade fair construction company.
Our dedicated and experienced team was completely devoted to the needs and questions of our visitors. We made every effort to provide each visitor with personalized advice and support to help them with their career choices.

Our booth provided visitors with reference pictures and videos of past projects and events, giving them an impression of our work in general as well as of our team spirit and the current job and training offer.

In our technical workshop, in cooperation with the Wissenswerkstatt Passau, the visitors drilled, screwed and soldered together with our trainees. This allowed them to gain their first experience with various materials and tools.

Our employees were proud to share their experience and expertise with the visitors and to give valuable insights into metron eging. We hope that our visitors went home with a better understanding of the different career opportunities and with new contacts, information and inspiration.

We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all the contributors for the great cooperation and the impressive result. It was a very nice experience and an interesting exchange with many visitors – and maybe also future colleagues and trainees.

Apprentice Workshop

Apprentice Workshop

Our trainees from the 1st year of apprenticeship were able to spend a day together with their trainers at the “Wissenswerkstatt” in Passau.

Here, the trainees from our paint shop, administration and construction department got a deeper insight into the topics mechanics, electrics and pneumatics.

All participants were able to gain many interesting insights and new impressions on this day.

We are looking forward to further educational workshops at the “Wissenswerkstatt”.

Open House Day

On the occasion of our 25th anniversary, we offered a look behind the scenes for the first time with an open day on Sunday, September 25.

Between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., around 2,500 people stopped by to visit us in Grafenauer Straße. What actually happens in the production halls of metron eging who plans, coordinates and manufactures the trade fair appearance of world market leaders such as BMW, Lamborghini, Audi or Siemens, was known to only a few until now.

The representative of the Passau Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Hans Meyer, paid tribute to the company and honored the company anniversaries of the first hour. Also company founder Christian Kainz received a certificate for 25 years of metron eging.

We thank you for your numerous attendance and are glad that you celebrated the 25th anniversary and our success story with us on the open day.

New trainees 2022

metron eging GmbH welcomes new trainees 2022

For 7 new trainees (Julian Tanzer, Rebekka Breitenbach, Leon Mittermeier, Michael Matheis, Philipp Schuster, Jakob Steubl and Julia Ott) the company training in the professions mechatronics technician, vehicle painter, construction mechanic, electronics technician for industrial engineering, technical product designer and office administartion started at metron eging GmbH on 1st September 2022.

On the very first day they received an extensive company presentation from their trainer Mr. Claus Pflie as well as a company tour and an introduction of the department managers.

After being welcomed by the COO Matthias Kainz as well as a safety briefing and lunch together in a restaurant with their trainers, they were released to their departments.

In total, metron eging GmbH is now training 15 apprentices.

We wish them all the best of luck for their start into their professional life.