DHL Linz Airport Night Run 2024

Tina Fischl races to another airport victory

Another very special running event took place recently: the Airport Run at Linz airport.

This major event, which attracted a record number of participants with more than 2,600 registrations, is held in the middle of the airport runway.

Immediately after the security check on the runway, the athletes in the start area got into the mood for the event with party music. The atmosphere was unbelievably great.

The starting signal was scheduled for 00:00 sharp, an atypical time for such a race.

After last year´s successes, the eleven-strong Reischlhof Running-Team including endurance athlete Tina Fischl from Fürstenstein, naturally took up the challenge once again. Fischl she was determined to defend her title from previous year.

The aim was to complete the 5.0 km circuit on the runway as quickly as possible. The running course offered a unique atmosphere with its 1,700 lights embedded in the ground.

Tina Fischl wanted to leave nothing to chance here and set a very fast pace right after the starting signal. Only a few male athletes were ahead of her and none of the 800-plus competitors were able to follow up on her. On the course, the athletes had to contend with a strong headwind due an approaching storm, which made the race quite tough. Despite the sometimes-adverse conditions, personal trainer Tina Fischl didn´t miss a beat and literally flew towards the finish line.

In the end, Fischl was overjoyed to cross the finish line as defending champion after only 18:42 minutes.

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